Annabelle Monthly – 11/12 Months

Well if this post hasn’t been a looooooong time coming then I honestly don’t know what is lol Between hosting our first Thanksgiving, planning Annabelle’s 1st birthday, finding out we are pregnant (YAY!) and all that entails when it comes to the 1st trimester (More on that later!) and all the in’s and out’s of the holidays this just kinda fell a little low on the todum pole. Usually this is the place where I retreat. A place where I can unwind and get my thoughts out, whether they actually get published or not, but after the craziness that was our families last 3 months mama pretty much  just needed to rest.. a lot. I really just needed to turn off and tune out all the noise and pointless chatter that is social media lately (possibly more on that later as well lol). So that’s what we did to recharge, refocus and reprioritize. Funny how the first of the year is a good time for that… and maybe it was a little bit of the fact that it was Annabelle’s first year birthday too that kinda got us thinking more introspectively and intentionally about what we want this life, our life, to look like. to actually be.


Measurements – Annabelle went from 15 to 16 pounds between her 11th month and her first birthday (woohoo!!) She also is measuring at about 27 inches tall! How do we begin to even express just how proud we are of her! There literally aren’t enough words in the entire world to fit that bill. It’s hard to believe that this time last year she was just a sleepy, cooing, smiley little newborn that captured our hearts the moment we laid eyes on her. And here she is a whole year later healthy and thriving and growing and completely recapturing our hearts even more with each passing day. To think we were smitten then.. it just doesn’t even compare to how smitten we are with her now. We’re just completely taken with this sweet girl God has gifted us.

Best Moment – There is a lot of great things that happened these  last couple months but the biggest accomplishment for Annabelle would definitely bet the fact that she is now pulling up to standing all on her own as well as cruising along furniture and with her little Zebra walker. She just pushes that thing all over the house which is really keeping us on our toes these days lol She also has started to just stand up on her own and hold her balance! She seriously just moments away from walking on her own, but we’re not in any hurry for that because we know that once our Annabelle starts going there will be no slowing her down then! Everything in it’s due time, and for now we are just relishing these sweet, fleeting moments with her in the present.

** UPDATE ~ Since I wrote this post literally a couple days later Annabelle just decided one Friday afternoon that she was going to walk to her daddy when he got home from work, and as we predicted she hasn’t stopped since! lol It was definitely a great kick off to a fun weekend and a fun new season in our family! Toddlerhood here we come!

Worst Moment – There really hasn’t been a “worst” moment (that I can remember at least) these past months which is kinda an awesome note to end Annabelle’s first year on! So yeah, life is good right now! 🙂

Favorite Things – Annabelle’s favorite thing to do these days in definitely use her many communication skills. She still loves to give high fives and wave hello and bye bye but now she also likes to give the occasional fist bump and by far our favorite new thing she does that she loves to do is give kisses! She loves giving big open mouthed kisses to her daddy and I and we love it too! She also says  “Da-da” specifically to Matt now when she sees him, is talking to him or is calling for him after she’s done nursing in the morning. Annabelle’s always been a daddy’s girl but now hearing her call for him just melts both of our hearts like never before, and to be totally honest in the last month her love for Matt has just exploded to a whole new level! He truly is her favorite person on the face of the earth right now. She just adores him. It’s really as if he hung the moon in her eyes and right now he can do no wrong. To watch their relationship grow has been one of the sweetest things from my perspective too. It really is like a good friend once told me –  (totally paraphrasing here but) Little girls are born with a bond to their mama’s, but the love a daughter and daddy have is something that you get to watch grow deeper each day. you get to watch a daughter “fall in love” if you will with who her daddy is and the love he has for her… and there is nothing so precious as getting to witness that. It has truly been one of the highlights of my life.

I’m truly convinces there is no love like that of a father for his daughter or a littler girl for her daddy. It’s just so uniquely precious.

img_2492 img_2501

Highlights – Well there was Annabelle’s first vacation to the beach which was pretty spectacular! She loved sea shelling with her Grandma and Great Gram as well as spending a lot of quality time with her Aunt Kiki and meeting her Great Aunt Patricia, Great Aunt Diane, and Great Uncle Carlos!.. and we loved getting to explore that with her for the first time. I can’t wait to take her back to the ocean when we is older to see her reaction to it’s vastness then, to watch her and Matt play in the water and to build sandcastles with her on the shore line!

Walking the pierre when we first got into town bright and early at 9 am!
Walking the pierre when we first got into town bright and early at 9 am!





Playing in the sand!
Playing in the sand!




Beach day with the fam
Beach day with the fam
Morning stroll and sea shelling with Dad!
Morning stroll and sea shelling with Dad!
Sea Shelling!
Sea Shelling!




Dinner with our beautiful "centerpiece" lol
Dinner with our beautiful “centerpiece” lol
Our little mermaid!
Our little mermaid!




She's learning a lot from her Aunt Kiki!
She’s learning a lot from her Aunt Kiki!

Hanging out with Aunt Kiki!


beach strolling ❤


Watching one gorgeous sunset!
Watching one gorgeous sunset!





First family vacation on Anna Maria and we can’t wait to go back for many many more!

Then she got to dress up for her first Halloween! We live in a really great neighborhood that really goes all out for the holidays, so much so that other families from surrounding neighborhoods park and come to our subdivision for events like Halloween. So it was really fun to take her around in her little BB8 Star Wars costume that we hand made for her to see all our neighbors.

Carving pumpkins with Aunt Paige!
Carving pumpkins with Aunt Paige!



most precious punkin' in the patch! <3
most precious punkin’ in the patch! ❤
BB8 had a serious love for the candy wrappers this year, little does she know how good the stuff actually tastes on the inside yet! lol
BB8 had a serious love for the candy wrappers this year, little does she know how good the stuff actually tastes on the inside yet! lol



Walking BB8 around the neighborhood lol
Walking BB8 around the neighborhood lol


Passing out candy!
Passing out candy!




She also LOVED feasting at her first Thanksgiving! There was not one food on her plate that she didn’t relish! And too top it all off Annabelle unknowingly matched her cousin Charlie which made for a really cute little photo op!

Grandma with her two matching Grandgirls... and their daddy's too of course :)
Grandma with her two matching Grandgirls… and their daddy’s too of course 🙂

Then of course there was going to help pick out the Christmas Tree, cut it down, bring it home and decorate it for the first time at Big Tree Plantation with her dad and I! We also visited Santa for the first time while we were there! Annabelle also found out that same weekend that she was going to be getting the best Christmas/Birthday present of all time and get to be a big sister! A sibling really is the “type” of present that truly does just keep on giving and giving! lol 🙂

Helping Dad pick out a winner!
Helping Dad pick out a winner!
2015 vs. 2016. Annabelle was with us last year, but didn't nearly get to experience all the fun like she did this year!
2015 vs. 2016. Annabelle was with us last year, but didn’t nearly get to experience all the fun like she did this year!


Meeting Santa for the first time!.. we may have bribed her with puffs to get her to sit with him lol
Meeting Santa for the first time!.. we may have bribed her with puffs to get her to sit with him lol
That's right world! Annabelle Jane is going to be a big sister!!! <3 <3 <3 <3
That’s right world! Annabelle Jane is going to be a big sister!!!
She's just a little bit excited about getting a sibling lol
She’s just a little bit excited about getting a sibling lol
Helping daddy put the angel on top of the tree for the first time!
Helping daddy put the angel on top of the tree for the first time!


Then there was celebrating her 2nd Christmas, only she was much more alert for this one then last time when she was only two weeks old lol

Hanging out with Dad on Christmas Eve. I just can't get over how they make so many similar facial expressions! <3
Hanging out with Dad on Christmas Eve. I just can’t get over how they make so many similar facial expressions! ❤
She was ready to help pass out all the gifts!
She was ready to help pass out all the gifts!



THE big box, one of Annabelles most favorite gifts this year. Topped only by bows, and Banana puffs lol
THE big box, one of Annabelles most favorite gifts this year. Topped only by bows, and Banana puffs lol
Here, have a bow!
Here! have a bow!
Matching with momma on Christmas Day out on Grandmas farm!
Matching with momma on Christmas Day out on Grandmas farm!

And of course to finish it all off there was Annabelle’s 1st Birthday Party! It was really special because we actually got to celebrate her with all our family and a couple of her closest friends on her actual birthday since it fell on a Sunday this year!

Our birthday girl having her cake and eating it too!
Our birthday girl having her cake and eating it too!



“I’m One!” Say’s Annabelle Jane!



About to dive into the homemade cake momma made just for her!
About to dive into the homemade cake momma made just for her!


"This cake is pretty tasty mom!"
“This cake is pretty tasty mom!”
Can not believe these girls are one!
Can not believe these girls are one!


I was pretty excited that Annabelle could pull "open" her gifts on her own, which really means she could pull the tissue paper out of the bags and take the bows off of the packages lol
I was pretty excited that Annabelle could pull “open” her gifts on her own, which really means she could pull the tissue paper out of the bags and take the bows off of the packages lol
Our birthday girl <3
Our birthday girl ❤
She was pretty excited about her final birthday gift, a sibling! lol
She was pretty excited about her final birthday gift, a sibling! lol


On to the next Chapter! <3
On to the next Chapter! ❤

Much love & prayer,
Matt & Blair

Annabelle Monthly – 9 Months

It’s hard to believe but as I write this right now Annabelle is only 10 weeks away from her 1st birthday! ONLY 10 WEEKS! That means next week she will be down to the single digits in that countdown to celebrating her first birthday! I can still remember when she was just a 10 week old little infant baby, and now she seems more like a toddler with every passing day then every before.


Our little happy girl hamming it up
Our little happy girl hamming it up
Getting ready for her photo shoot :)
Getting ready for her photo shoot 🙂

Measurements – Our girl is 16 pounds now which means she has finally doubled her birth weight!!! She’s also starting to fit into some of her fall clothes that we bought for her last year when we found out we were having a girl! It is so fun to dress her in those pieces and then watch her play in them all day because they bring back memories of when we were pregnant and preparing for her to be born into our family and all the anticipation that went along with that sweet time in our lives.

Our little Miss talker
Our little Miss talker


Photo shoots and being this cute is hard work!
Photo shoots and being this cute is hard work!

Best Moment – Annabelle said “Mama”!!!!!!.. as well as other syllables, but MAMA!!!!! Be still my beating heart! This was definitely my personal favorite new thing that she does even though she still says it pretty indiscriminately. She’s become more of a little social butterfly too and loves to wave at everyone she meets as well as wave bye bye when we’re leaving somewhere.

Me and my little girl! 39 weeks pregnant, 40 weeks/due date/Annabelle birthday and 39 weeks postpartum!
Me and my little girl! 39 weeks pregnant, 40 weeks/due date/Annabelle birthday and 39 weeks postpartum!
At the zoo with the baby and mommy giraffe in the background!
At the zoo with the baby and mommy giraffe in the background!
Our little giraffe
Our little giraffe
Feeding the Giraffes for the first time at the zoo!
Feeding the Giraffes for the first time at the zoo!
It was really cool!
It was really cool!
Annabelle wasn't so sure about it though lol
Annabelle wasn’t so sure about it though lol
Annabelle, Sophie and a real life Sophie!
Annabelle, Sophie and a real life Sophie!

Worst Moment – Definitely the worst moment was when Annabelle got her first diaper rash. She was cutting her 2 upper front teeth at the same time so all that extra drool made for a pretty hard time on her little digestive system which resulted in a lot more bowel movements which resulted in her first diaper rash. It literally came on out of no where too. We knew she was needing more diaper changes so of course we were changing her more frequently but she woke up from her afternoon nap one Thursday with a monstrous poop and a red little bottom 😦  It broke our hearts to and despite our best efforts to clear it up on our own (we were literally leaving her bare bottomed to air dry all day long except for naps, switched out of clothe diapers to disposable so we could use desitin and powder during the naps when she had to where diapers, were giving her about 3 to 4 oatmeal baths a day and so much more) we ended up taking her into see her pediatrician and having a special diaper rash cream prescribed which cleared it up rather quickly after we started using it.

Just hanging out with dad!
Just hanging out with dad!
At work visiting Mimi!
At work visiting Mimi!
Big City girl! Annabelles first time in Cincinnati!
Big City girl! Annabelles first time in Cincinnati!

Favorite Things – Annabelle loves to try new foods and this month we introduced her to some fruits which she LOVED! Like she would cry when we were finished with the fruit portion of her meal LOVE – especially when is came to the Peaches. That was definitely her favorite thing she tried. We’re not surprised that she has a natural sweet tooth though because she is after all her momma’s daughter and I can not get enough of any type of desert – especially fruit based ones!

Visiting with Aunt CC!
Visiting with Aunt CC!
Hanging out with Uncle John for the weekend!
Hanging out with Uncle John for the weekend!
Just hanging out at Grandmas during her first sleep over out at the farm!
Just hanging out at Grandmas during her first sleep over out at the farm!

Highlights – First sleepover with Grandma and Mimi, 8 month pictures out at the farm, welcoming her new cousin Charlie into the world, going to The zoo, going to downtown Cincinnati, going to visit Mimi at work, “helping” mom and dad with their first big home renovation since she was born. There was so much that happened this past month that was so fun!

Happy Labor Day! Celebrating with a family home renovation project!
Happy Labor Day! Celebrating with a family home renovation project!
This girl is quite the Home Depot regular!
This girl is quite the Home Depot regular!


Annabelle testing out the new floors!
Annabelle testing out the new floors!
Happy birthday Charlie Fei!
Happy birthday Charlie Fei!
Hanging out with Grandma and Aunt Kiki at the hospital  while meeting her cousin!
Hanging out with Grandma and Aunt Kiki at the hospital while meeting her cousin!
Cousins/ best friends in the making/holiday gift wrap throwing buddies meeting for the first time!  <3
Cousins/ best friends in the making meeting for the first time! ❤
Grandma with 2 of her 4 grand daughters!
Grandma with 2 of her 4 grand daughters!

She also had fun on her first Aunt Kiki date as well as joined her mom and her moms friends at her first monthly girls breakfast!

Hanging out with her favorite - Aunt Kiki!
Hanging out with her favorite – Aunt Kiki!


Annabelles ready to order some Wild Eggs! lol
Annabelles ready to order some Wild Eggs! lol


Some of the greatest women I know! So blessed to have them as friends for over 4 years now!
Some of the greatest women I know! So blessed to have them as friends for over 4 years now!

She also started to pull up in her bath tub this month – of course the one place that we’d prefer she didn’t pull up on/in is where she tries to start mastering that skill lol

First time (of many to come) going to the zoo together as a family!
First time (of many to come) going to the zoo together as a family!
We got a picture with the Daddy and baby Elephants!
We got a picture with the Daddy and baby Elephants!
Showing/telling Annabelle about the elephants. He's such an attentive Dad!
Showing/telling Annabelle about the elephants. He’s such an attentive Dad!


Ending her first trip to the zoo in style - with a good nap!
Ending her first trip to the zoo in style – with a good nap!

We just loved this past month with Annabelle and all the fun adventures we were able to have with her and can not wait to tell yall all about the many adventures she has been having as a 10 month old next month!

Much love & prayer,

Matt & Blair


Annabelle Monthly – 8 Months

How is our baby girl already 8 months old!?! None the less she is! And with each passing day we watch Annabelle become more and more the sweet, joyful, independent, loving, lovely little girl that God has destined her to be.

Our little get up and go girl! We could barely get her to sit still for her monthly picture this month! lol
Our little get up and go girl! We could barely get her to sit still for her monthly picture this month! lol
Look at that little mischievous face lol
Look at that little mischievous face lol

Measurements – Annabelle is officially 15 pounds, which means she’s only 1 pound away from doubling her birth weight! Based on her past growth patterns we are thinking she will probably hit that milestone next month since she’s been gaining roughly 1 pound a month since birth.

Teething up a storm! Everything was going straight into her mouth this month!
Teething up a storm! Everything was going straight into her mouth this month!

Best Moment – In the past month Annabelle has continually gotten more and more mobile over the past month. She started off army crawling and is slowly but surely working her way towards full fledged crawling. She really loves using her feet now to propel herself forward instead of just relying on arm strength to get where she is going. Annabelle is also starting to want to pull up on things around the house too! Although it’s mostly just the rim of the bathtub at bath time lol.

Nothing like cool water on a hot summer day
Nothing like cool water on a hot summer day


Lunch time with Daddy!
Lunch time with Daddy!
She adores him
She adores him


Splashing in the pool!
Splashing in the pool!

Worst Moment – Definitely the hardest trial we faced this month was teething. It just came on so fast. One night Annabelle went to sleep without a single tooth and in the next few weeks she had 3 teeth pop through and is now working on a 4th! Though we didn’t realize it at the moment that, teething was what was causing her to be more clingy then normal, looking back it all makes sense now why she wanted to be comforted a little more then normal, especially around bed time. She didn’t have too tough of a time though with the pain tolerance of it all. We really have been crediting that to a baltic amber necklace that we got for Annabelle to wear a few months ago to help with pain relief and ever since this past month we have went from skeptics to full fledged believers since we didn’t have to use Tylenol or any other form of pain relief once with her!

Teething on a carrot from our garden!
Teething on a carrot from our garden!
Having so much fun with the paper at her cousin Charlie baby shower!
Having so much fun with the paper at her cousin Charlie baby shower!


Hanging out with Uncle William!
Hanging out with Uncle William!
2 front teeth and that big happy smile!
2 front teeth and that big happy smile!
Summer BBQ just hanging out with Dad!
Summer BBQ just hanging out with Dad!



This girls smile! Melts my heart every time!
This girls smile! Melts my heart every time!

Favorite Things – Annabelles favorite thing this month has definitely been trying all different types of solid foods! She has enjoyed quite an array of flavors this month including Oatmeal, Pumpkin, Carrots, Green Beans and Avocado, on top of her all time favorite Spinach! She has also taken a liking to her sippy cup and loves  taking little sips of water and breast milk during her mealtimes, playtimes and while we’re out for family evening walks with her mom, dad and favorite chew toy Sophie.

Eating some Pumpkin with Daddy!
Eating some Pumpkin with Daddy!
She loved it!
She loved it!


Loving her oatmeal and her spoon!
Loving her oatmeal and her spoon!


"Here mom! Why don't you try some!" lol
“Here mom! Why don’t you try some!” lol
Green Beans!
Green Beans!


Working on holding her sippy!
Working on holding her sippy!

Highlights – This month was filled with a lot of fun outside adventures for Annabelle. It really wasn’t until this month that we were able to go out and about with Annabelle because of her feeding schedule since she has been exclusively breastfed. Before now therefore just too many distractions when it came to trying to feed her in public as well as being a new mom meant that I wasn’t experienced or comfortable enough with nursing in public to do it seamlessly without fear of there being an accidental slip up of some kind. But to be honest I don’t know if more experience would have made us anymore comfortable with nursing in public anyways because when it comes to feeding Annabelle I have really enjoyed having our personal little space and extra privacy at home that you just cant get when you are out and about. Call me a homebody of sorts but I’d much rather prefer nursing Annabelle at home in her rocking chair then in a parking lot or bathroom. lol Now that Annabelle is nursing less times during the day and only taking 2 naps we have longer stretches of wake times which has made for some really great outings!

Out to lunch with the girls!
Out to lunch with the girls!
Park date with Mimi!
Park date with Mimi!
Up, up and away!
Up, up and away!
Girls day with Aunt KK!
Girls day with Aunt KK!


Sunday BBQ as Eli's with Daddy after church!
Sunday BBQ as Eli’s with Daddy after church!



An evening walk for her first time facing out in her stroller! She loved it!
An evening walk for her first time facing out in her stroller! She loved it!
Snoozing away during a walk!
Snoozing away during a walk!
Visiting daddy for lunch!
Visiting daddy for lunch!


Be still my beating heart!
Be still my beating heart!


Much love & prayer,
Matt & Blair

Double Feature: Pecan and Strawberry Pie

Well my first couple attempts at pie crust perfection, with The Joy of Cooking cookbook, been interestingly opposites. In honor of my largest support system, I decided to ask my husband what type of pie he would prefer me to make to kick off this baking endeavor. It seemed only fitting since, after all, he will be the one dutifully by my side tasting each of these creations for the next year or so. In true Matt fashion he requested a Pecan Pie since the book did not contain a Derby Pie recipe. Therefore two Wednesday ago  I put together the confection for our dinner and date night in. This was not an easy pie to start off with. Actually, I would go as far to say there couldn’t have been a more challenging pie to begin the whole project with since my wonderful mother in law makes a wonderful Pecan Pie, and that said reason is THE reason that my husband thinks so fondly of it. Although Matt wouldn’t admit to it, lets just say my attempts to master it were a bit of a taste bud let down compared to the amazing treat we look forward to every Thanksgiving dinner. You know how the Pecan Pies are meant to rise to the top… well mine sank to the bottom lol And the crust, once again, turned out a little to brittle for my liking. It also stuck to the surface of the pie plate which made it really difficult, almost near impossible, to serve with out breaking it all apart. Some how though, even as awful as it was, the whole pie still managed to disappear with in a matter of a few days. That mysterious disappearance in and of itself says volumes about how gracious my husband is. 🙂

Ice cream makes everything better, even dysfunctional Pecan Pie
Ice cream makes everything better, even dysfunctional Pecan Pie

The next pie however was quite a different experience. Since my spring break stay-cation began on Friday I decided I would make a Strawberry Pie for our weekly Saturday family dinner night out at the Pomeroy family farm. I chose this pie Mainly because I was able to find Strawberries for a dollar at the grocery store, and therefore had a whole extra carton sitting in my fridge that I did not want to go to waste. Plus, Strawberries taste like Spring, and with the weather we had been having in Kentucky a little Spring tastebud fever was just the cure for the winter blues our family was experiencing. Don’t get me wrong, I honestly love all the seasons, but after going on almost six months of cold, winter like weather, some nice warm sunshine and fresh flowers were way over due!

Maybe it was the fact that I was on spring break and had no where to be, with no plans ahead for the entire day, but my perfectionistic tendencies that tend to come out when baking subsided this particular Friday evening. Usually I spend too much time worrying over every little tear that happens to the dough when you flip it off of the cutting board and into the pie pan. I try my best to repair each little crack, as if it had never been there in the first place, instead of just focusing on the beauty that it made it into the plate at all! This time though I did something much different. This time I only focused on the major tears, and even then, instead of trying to make it into something its not, I let it be what it was. That simple difference made all the difference. In all it’s buttery, flakey, melt in your mouth gloriousness, my pie crust turned out as if my Nana had made it herself! Better yet, I was able to share my first successful pie crust around a table with some of the people that I love most in the entire world, which for me is what baking really all boils down to, sharing it with others you cherish most.

The first pie I have ever created successfully, and best part is I was able to share it some loved ones over a weekly family meal out at the farm.
The first pie I have ever created successfully, and best part is I was able to share it some loved ones over a weekly family meal out at the farm, which made it that much sweeter. 🙂

Much love & prayer,


P.S. Here is the recipe for both pies below, just incase you feel like making one, or both of them, after reading this post. Just remember, whatever you do, do not try and make the crust into something it’s not, and it will turn out as perfect as possible.

Pecan Pie:

this pie may also be made with walnuts
preheat oven to 450
an unfilled pie shell
and bake it only partially, from 5 to 7 minutes. allow to cool, reduce oven heat to 375
1/4 cup butter
1 cup firmly packed brown sugar
beat in 1 at a time:
3 eggs
stir in:
1/2 cup light corn syrup or molasses
1 to 1 1/2 cups broken pecans or walnuts
1 teaspoon vanilla or 1 tablespoon rum
1/2 teaspoon salt
fill the shell, bake the pie about 40 minutes or until knife inserted in the filling comes out clean. serve warm or cold
Glazed Berry Pie:
Prepare with a generous high rim:
     A baked pie shell
Clean and hull:
    1 quart Strawberries or red or black raspberries
Reserve and blend 1 cup of the fruit. Combine and cook, stirring until thickened over low heat 10 to 15 minutes:
     3/4 cup sugar, 2 1/2 tablespoons cornstarch, 1/4 teaspoon salt, 1 cup water
Add the blended fruit to give color. Put the whole berries into the baked pie shell, evenly distributed. Pour the syrup over the berries, coating them thoroughly by turning but not displacing them. Chill the pie in the refrigerator at least 4 hours. Serve garnished with whipped cream.
*Side note: I chose to cut the Strawberries into smaller halves since Matt loves the taste of Strawberries but not so much the texture. This adaptation worked out nicely since it made it a little less about the texture of the whole Strawberries and focused more on the taste of the glaze.